Rolling out... |
The mysterious pie crust dough ghost of the pie dish.
Okay that one was a stretch... (get it? Stretch...) |
Well, gosh darn it, if that doesn't look like a nom worthy pie crust! |
Ingredients. |
They know what they did. They also know that they will be beaten for it. |
Just have to add the milk first. |
Okay, and salt&pepper. |
Beating time. |
Avec le fromage ( ← fancy) |
No, this is not an octopus, it is an onion. |
SEE.... |
Assemblage is about to take place. |
Spinach. Check! |
Even more spinach? Check! |
Egg and cheese? CHECK! |
Octopus parts Onion?? Check!! |
So pretty. |
Just look at it, it is just so..... |
BACON?!! |
Also... Fancy bread. It had potato in it. |
Finished and cooling down. |
His finished meal. |
And mine. |
Just a few tings off the top:
All right, first off
OMG. The boy and I live about a mile away from a stretch of road that is littered is shopping plazas. It is like a shopping plaza truck drove that road and didn't know that the back was open, so all the plazas fell out and have now taken root. In the plethora of shopping-ness there is, of course, a Target. Now this Target has been there for as long as I have lived where I live (5-ish years), and for some reason, in the last couple of weeks they have been sending us "Welcome to the neighborhood!" coupons. These coupons are for a free dozen eggs. Long story short: I had two dozen eggs in my fridge this week.
WTF. What the f**k am I going to do with 24 eggs?! Certainly not
BBQ. This is where my darling comes in, with a great idea...Quiche! So that is what I did.
Before I got down to the nitty-gritty though, I needed stuff to put in the quiche. Therefore, I took full advantage of the local farmers markets that are finally open again. I picked up some fresh spinach, red onion,
BACON (for the boy, clearly), a rosemary plant, and a loaf of fancy potato-garlic-onion-y bread. He was very happy about the bacon. I think most of you out there would be very happy about the bacon. I mean it is bacon, just because I don't eat it, doesn't mean I don't understand it. Anyway, the point is,
There was also bread.
I DID NOT MAKE THE BREAD, but I picked it out, so there are point for me in there. This bread was fancy. It had a ton of fancy things on top and it was real nom. I did decide against toasting it when I put it on the plate. I don't really know why I decided against this course of action; in all reality it may have made the bread, that much more nom worthy. Not that it wasn't delicious, as a matter of fact, the whole meal was delicious. The boy gave me a 9 for this week. I think he was super impressed by the fact that I was really winging it this time. I had no recipe that I was following, none at all. Just me, wandering around the hot kitchen, trying to figure out if I want one more egg in the mixture (of course I did!).
Next Week: Nothing with eggs, I hope anyway, but I wouldn't put it past us. I only used up 6 eggs, that still leaves 18 in my fridge...