Friday, February 18, 2011


Ingredients for fries, truly a 3-ingredient recipe.

Potatoes all chopped.

Seasoned and ready to roast.

Green Veggie!!

Filet Mignon.

Pan searing.

Flipped. (please note the ridiculous amount of Mountain Dew Original in the background, there is more on the sun porch...)



Finished birthday meal!!

My meal...

Parchment roasted fish with citrus.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR! (I did not make the cupcake, I bought it, I don't think I could ever make one this delicious)

Due to circumstances beyond my control, dinner on Wednesday didn't happen. Instead I made it all last night, which in a way was better considering that last night was my darling's birthday (in case you didn't get that from the last picture).

I made Filet Mignon with boiled asparagus and oven roasted garlic fries; I made parchment wrapped, citrus herb fish for myself. I was pretty concerned about making the steak to be perfectly honest. I have made steak in our oven before for a group of friends but I had used the broiler for that. I couldn't use the broiler this time because I needed to cook the fries and the fish and with the broiler on I can use the oven part of my stove. So after much looking online I decided that I was going to pan sear the meat and then finish it in the oven. The also proved somewhat daunting considering that I do not own a cast iron skillet, let alone a skillet that I can just toss in the oven. So I jerry-rigged it. I used the non-stick skillet that I do have and while the fries where roasting I put an empty pan in the oven to heat up so that I could just switch the steaks from one pan to another. It worked! Yay! I still want a cast iron skillet though.

This meal garnered me my first 10 of this project. I am very excited about this fact. The savory portion of the meal was a 9.4 and with the addition of the birthday cupcake it jumped to a 10. I don't think that I asked for a one phrase descriptor but he did say "It's Steak!" on a few occasions, so I think I can use that. I did set two of the smoke detectors off, but when you are pan searing steak and you literally have 8 smoke detectors in a 6 room apartment it is tough to not set off a smoke detector. Especially ones that are super sensitive and go off if there it too much steam from the shower, true story.

So next week might be a soup. What kind I have yet to figure out. See you
next week!

(Post Script: I apologize for the oddness of the pictures, the usual camera that I use decided to not recognize its memory card so I had to use the camera on my phone.)

1 comment:

  1. 10 because it's meat and potatoes! so typical! still it's homemade so it's best/better than the "Q"
