Thursday, January 6, 2011

# 52 or #1 which ever you like.

Ingredients for the pilaf. Chopped scallion and curly parsley in the bowl.

Herbed salmon ingredients.

Vinaigrette ingredients.

Finished salad.

Complete meal.
So that was everything. It took a lot longer than I thought and I was exhausted by the end of it. As for how it all came off, I would say that it was fairly smooth sailing. The only real hiccup that I came in contact with was that the fish took about twice as long to cook as the recipe said it would. It all took about 45 minutes of prep work, but in all honesty I think that that was because of the fact that I A) have very limited counter space in my kitchen, B) this was the first time that I was taking pictures while cooking, C) I didn't get home until about half an hour later than I wanted and my darling was held up at work as well. 

Dinner really wasn't served until around 9pm which was about an hour later than I wanted but on the up side of things, nothing was burnt. If you had to describe the meal in one word my darling assures me that it would be 'creamy'. I agree with that. Even the salmon was creamy, though I believe that that was because one of the steps in the recipe was to mix olive oil and lemon juice together, cover the salmon with the mixture and then let stand for 15 minutes at room temperature. Very creamy. The recipe also called for the salmon to be served with lemon wedges, this solved the creamy salmon issue wonderfully.

The boy also enjoyed the dressing for the salad very much. He remarked that it was just the right mixture of sweet and sour and it was not runny. I personally think that the later was because I shook the ingredients together instead of whisking them and I spooned the dressing on the salad instead of pouring it on top. Less dressing and more air bubbles; simple.

The rice was delicious though not what he is used to from his mom. I thought that it was the best part of the meal, but then again I ♥ carbs like a skinny girl loves Diet Coke™. The orzo added a certain chewiness to the dish that was delightful and the garlic added another zing to it. Yummy.

Next week I think that I am going to reintroduce myself to the crock-pot­­­®.

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